Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Photos Selection @ CL Studio - 6-Aug-2011

Finally!! after almost one month, our photos are ready for selection! It has been a long wait, and we worried that the photos will not turn out nice. But when we saw the photos, we had a hard time trying to select 40 photos.

We were tempted to top up to 2 albums one indoor and one outdoor. But this will defit the purpose of our storyline album. Having one album will then see the progression of our journey. So, in the end, we decided to keep to 1 album but we still top up another 20 photos, additional of $2k :(

After we decided, i am still tempted to go back an top up for additional photos. Love our outdoor photos.. non-formal wedding photos.. Welcome to the fun side of pre-wedding photos! :)

*this is a gif image. with the motion. But doesnt seem to work here.. :(

Pre-Wedding Photoshoot with One8 Photography - 30-July-2011

After enjoying taking pre-wedding photoshoot with CL studio, i was tempted to take more pre-wedding photos. And then i saw One8 Post in forums for free photoshoot for couples..

Since we didnt have time for our photoshoot at the lalang location with CL studio, i decided to have outdoor shoot with similar theme with One8. We decided to take at the popular wedding photoshoot location.. Botanical Garden!!

It was fun working with Nic and Felix. Nice and funny PGs :)

A little preview....

Even with this additional pre-wedding photoshoot, i am still tempted to take an outdoor picnic photoshoot...

Inspired by this...


Style Wedding Sept-2010 - Feb-2011

Style Wedding article with my designer at RAM.

*thumbs up* So far the experience with Jessie is fantastic. Glad that i have chosen RAM. =)
